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sick or dying - can somthing be done

23 14:50:58

We have had our betta which I named sushi for about 2 months.  We keep him in a good sized vase and change the water with spring water about once a week.  We feed him 8 pieces of dried betta food twice a day.  For the past 2 weeks he has not been eating much and is losing his color. Also he is very unresponsive.  

Hi Bethany,

Sushi sounds as though he recieves good overall care. I am assuming when you say he is in a good sized vase that it is over 1 gallon, if not you should upgrade so he can enjoy better health.

It sounds as though the source of your problem could be either old age or that Sushi is cold and may need extra heating. If his water temperature falls below 78 degrees fahrenheit, you can purchase a 25 watt heater and that should perk him up. NOTE - heaters should only be used in tanks over a gallon in size. If Sushi's tank is smaller, you should upgrade so you can use a heater and also so he can he happier. Bettas love room to stretch their fins!

Another explanation may be old age. Just like people, fish slow down when they get older. Bettas are about 4 months old when they are sold to most pet stores, and their life span is about 1.5-2 years. If you have had Sushi for a year or more, he might just be getting on in years and need a bit of extra care. Again, a heater will make him more comfortable.

Keep being vigilant with your water changes as you are, and consider a heater if his water gets chilly - remember, bettas are from tropical Thailand!

Hope this helps,
