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Orandas are bleeding

23 14:28:53

Hello. I recently transfer my two 2in orandas into my 20 gallon tank with two 5in orandas with new water and water conditioner as well as copper safe. I have a biomax and carbon filter in the tank. Sadly i do not have anything that could test the water quality. I fed the four orandas "Hikari goldfish pellets" Two weeks after the transfer, I notice that the 2in orandas are bleeding. One of them is bleeding on the body and both of them have red streaks on their fins. I transfered them into my hospital tank just yesterday and used Melafix. Do you know if this is a serious disease or just an external wound? The two 5in orandas seems to be doing fine. They do not have any red streaks or blood on them. Thanks in advance!!  

Hey Amy,

The red streaks are from an internal infection, and need to be treated immediately with maracyn-two. The sooner you start the fish on maracyn-two, the more likely you are to save them. The melafix wont help once the infection starts, it's only good as a preventative.

Hope this helps, and good luck!