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Goldfish Aquarium

23 11:32:28

Used EasyBalance from Tetra.  It says it reduces frequent water changes by keeping aquarium water biologically and chemically balanced for up to six months.  What weekly maintenance is still required?  Do I still change the water weekly 10 to 15 percent?  I assume the cleaning of filters and other items in the tank is still required.  Please let me know.

Hi Barry,

Sorry for the late response. Your question was outsourced into the Question Pool. I'm working through it and trying to clear some back dated questions.

In answer to your question I'd recommend sticking to your usual cycle. EasyBalance will help the chemical balance of your tank but Goldfish are notorious ammonia producers. They excrete a large amount of ammonia in their urine and overtime the tank will begin to smell, oxygen levels will drop, the fish will become lethargic and ultimately die.

Goldfish need a vast expanse of water, with good water surface movement for optimum oxygenation. I assume EasyBalance merely backs up the bacteria in the filter, rather than preserving the water.

Many Thanks
