Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > 1 yellow tail cichlid,2 electric yellow and 1 red scat

1 yellow tail cichlid,2 electric yellow and 1 red scat

23 11:48:01

QUESTION: Hi we had bought these as we were told they were tropical and they are so cute, because we are new to keeping fish we told the shop we had a communal tropical tank and they said these fish were fine.When we got home and looked on the internet we found they were african and require specific tank water. I have asked about the levels required for them as we purchased and are setting up a 4ft tank for them. They other answer said high PH and stated the SG levels and said they like hard water. How hard do they like it to be? Our digital HD is one that rates from 0-1000+,thank-you for your help and we would appreciate any other vital information you deem neccessary to pass on .Thanks

ANSWER: Hello Tina,
The Red Scat is out of place with African Cichlids.  He is a peaceful fish, and not to be mixed with African Cichlids.  He should be kept in groups of 4 or more.  He is a schooling fish who lives in brackish waters, and salt water.  If not given the right habitat, he will die.  I can't believe they sold you a Red Scat with African Cichlids!!  I hope that this is a mistake in the fish name.
African Cichlids are beautiful fish, but very territorial, and very aggressive!  Your PH should be around 8.0-8.5.  To bring your PH up, buy a bag of crushed coral, and wash it well.  Buy a pair of white nylons, and rinse them well.  Make a bag of coral and put it in your filter.  Wait one day, and check your PH.  Keep adding coral to your bag until you reach the proper PH.  Never use chemicals to bring up the PH.  As long as your PH is between 8.0 and 8.5 you will be okay.  Some Africans can go a little lower than 8.0.  I keep my tanks at 8.0 and never had a problem.
You will need lots of rocky formations in your tank, overturned clay pots, lots of hiding places.
When African cichlids get too comfortable with their homes, you must change your decor in your tank, as they are very vicious.  The rule is 2-3 females to a male.  This is because the male will harass the female until she gets weak, and dies.  These are certainly not a beginners fish.  After the spawn, the female will hold the eggs in her mouth from 18 to 22 days.  She should be in another tank, away from the male.  She is a good mother, and looks after her fry.  
Water changes every week are a "must" and good food is required to keep them healthy.  Vary their diet, good quality flakes, pellets, and frozen foods such as bloodworms etc are very good for them.
Let your tank cycle for a couple of weeks without any fish in it.  Buy a used sponge at your Pet Store to help cycle your tank.  A used sponge is full of good bacteria.  Before adding fish, your ammonia should be zero, and Nitrates safe.  Never add too many fish at once. as the ammonia level will go up, and kill the fish.  Add two fish, and wait a week, check your ammonia, and add two more, and so on.  Some African fish are less aggressive than others, but are still aggressive.  The ones you have now are less aggressive.  Always read up on the fish you are going to buy.  The Acei, and Yellow Electric can live in 7.5 to 8.5 PH.  
Try to buy the fish all the same size.  African Cichlids is lots of observation to make sure that all is okay in the tank.  When you see them picking on each other a little too much, change all the decor in the tank.  This keeps them busy, and takes their minds off attacking each other when they are looking for new homes.
I hope all goes well for you, and if you have anymore questions, please do not hesitate to write me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So do I need another tank for my Scat?
We have a 4ft tropical at present. we are picking up the next 4ft for the cichlids to go in and we were going to put our scat in there. His discription is small with yellowish background with black stripes and red on his head trailing down his spine. there is a 60litre tank I could get would that be OK for him?

Unfortunately a 60 litre tank is too small for a Red Scat.  You could put him in your other tank.  Add one teaspoon of aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water.  This is not ideal, but it's the best you can do for him now.  He will however when he matures need a salt water aquarium, but this will take time.  If you know someone, who does have a salt water tank, that would be a blessing as we do get attached to this fish, and the thought of him dying later on for lack of a good habitat, is sad.  I just can't believe what some sales people do to fish!!  
To keep this fish, you must have a 40 gallon tank, and he should have 4 or more other fish like him to school.  His water should be brackish at first, one teaspoon of sea salts to one gallon of water, then as he is matures, you slowly take him to a real salt water tank......  or could start a salt water tank now, but that is a whole other story.  Your best bet would be to find him a home, where he would be well looked after.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this, as I know you would like to keep him.   Maybe another Pet Store in your area has salt water tanks that would be good for him.