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pregnant swordtail

23 11:06:14

hello...plz i have female swordfish inside a breeding box...there is a small black spot at the back itis the gravis spot??when will shi give birth?is there any sign???i only see a black spot...should i see the babies eyes in order to know that it is time to give birth...or is there any sign??thank you

  Basically there is no sure way of telling when a fish will give birth, however signs to look for are a swollen belly, which has squared off slightly at the bottom, a large gravid spot near the anal fin, lack of interest in feeding and lack of activity, ie- staying near the back of the tank. Once she starts doing this then move her to the breeding box. Be care because it will stress her to go in and if she is not ready to have her babies, this will send her into aborting them. Good luck with the new mom.