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African Dwarf Frogs, urgent!!!

23 14:21:40

I just got 2 african dwarf frogs and a snail yesterday. the snail seems fine and is moving all over the place. however my frogs aren't very active they don't really swim they just hide under their barrel thing pretty much all the time. and if they aren't doing that then they are just laying on the bottom of the tank. my ph levels are right and the temperature is at 74 degrees. i thought these frogs where suppose to be very active and all over the place, am i wrong about that? is there something i'm not doing right? and i got freeze dried bloodworms and they haven't eaten anything, do i need to just get the frozen bloodworms? and put them on  the bottom of the tank? oh i have a 2.5 gallon tank. do i need to get more frogs would that make them happier? thanks for your help!

Kristina,                                                    Hang in there . They do most of their moving at night . sometimes the males even sing and you can hear them if you listen closely. Sometimes they will lay upside down on their back not moving for hours or just hang at the top with their noses hanging out for awhile. They love frozen blood worms. Try not to over feed, but, if you change your water regularly you should be ok . When you first get them their mortality rate is high . Once you have had them for about a week you are in like flint. The more they learn their surroundings the more active they will get , since they don't see very well..... hang in there kiddo. Good Luck, Tina