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our fish

23 14:12:00

we have large tank with tetras, another fish , they all live very happily together and today we noticed 2 babies that belong to the 2 orange/red with black fins and tails fish that we have. we cannot remember the name of them so we cannot look up whether they are live bearers or egg layers and wether we need to do anything special for the little ones or not

Hi Jane,
Most likely they are live bearers, and you'll want to move the babies into a separate tank of their own regardless to reduce the chance of the parents eating them. Once they reach adult size they can rejoin the tank with their parents. If you are worried about what to feed them, sometimes they can live off finely ground flakes. If you stick the flakes into a ziploc bag and crush them for a few minutes they should be small enough. If that doesn't work there is baby fish food you can buy, though I'm not sure who sells it.
Most likely your unknown fish are either platies or guppies. In the future I recommend writing down each fish you get so you will know what you have. It's very important to know so you won't accidentally get fish that are incompatible.