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Regarding my Betta tank

23 11:47:37

Hi. I have a Betta. I have a 10 gal heated tank. Does the aquarium light stress Betta's. When I turn on the light the Betta gets more lively is that a good thing. What is the best substrate for Betta's. I use aquarium gravel. Would sand be better or can I keep the gravel. I have 2 silk bamboo plants that have slime all over them. Should I clean them or leave them alone? Thanks Linda

Hi Linda,
Bettas prefer the light of day, so it is better to have low lighting for him.  All fish stress for about one hour after the lights go on.  They go into a little shock.  It is always better to light the tank when it is still light in the house.  Keep the lights on for 4 hours or less.   Never feed your betta or any other fish after putting the lights on.  Wait an hour so he can get use to it.  Gravel is good for you betta as long as it isn't coral which brings the PH up too high for him.  Always check your water every week to see if your chemistry is right.  He should never have ammonia, or nitrites in his tank, and nitrates should be low.  Do your water changes of 25% every week with a good water conditioner.
As for plants, you will have to ask a plant expert.  I don't know too much about plants, and wouldn't want to give you wrong information.  I'm sorry I cannot help you with this.
Have a nice day