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cloudiness and pond smell

23 15:10:29


I hope you are able to help us out.  Recently, we had to move our freshwater tank that previously cycled from CT to NY (about a 2 hour drive). We placed all of our fish in bags, emptied out our tank, except for the gravel and a little bit of the water, to keep the bacteria bed alive.  We placed the filter and all oranments also in bags filled with the tank water.  We got to the destination fine and set up the tank. Except for the water that the filter  ( we have a aquaclear filter 30) was in, we emptied the water with the fish back into the tank and added new water (which was dechlorinated and added some stress coat).  We have been noticing that since the move, the tank is cloudy and smells like a pond. This has been going on for aproximately two weeks now.

We thought the tank was cycling again:

Two days ago ammonia was 1.0 and nitrite was .20

Now ammonia is .25 and nitrite was 0 but nitrates was 80.

What is going on with our tank?  The ammonia levels aren't high enough to cause this amount of cloudiness, we have under advice from other sites, changed the carbon in our filter (about a week ago), leaving the sponge and biomax filter levels alone.  We also have done water changes and siphoned the gravel.  

What can we do?  We look forward to your reply.


Followup To
Question -

Our tank recently cycled, Ammonia 0, Nirite 0 and nitrates 2 ppm, however we are puzzled why are pH is around 7.8.  Our tap water tests 7.2.  We have 10 gallon tank, with two small clown loaches and 3 swordtails.  What causes pH to rise in a tank and what can be done to lower the pH.  We were told pH increases after a cycle, but we are not sure.  I look forward to your reply.  We want to get the pH down to around 7.0


Answer -
Hi Ken;

The pH will gradually drop as the system ages. The pH your tank has now is just fine. Especially since the fish are accustomed to it. It is fluctuations and quick changes in pH that are harmful so it is best not to try to alter it.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!

Hi Ken;

The tank is just having a hard time getting settled again. There is a certain amount of bacteria die-off when moving them. Keep doing partial water changes as needed and feed the fish very sparingly until it gets settled again.

It'll happen, just takes more time than we like it too sometimes.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins