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Little white invaders

23 11:50:48

I have a 150 gl tank with 5 dojo loaches 3 colie loaches a huge placo and an arowana.  I have alot of horned snails and some japanese trapdoor snails as well.  I also keep it supplied with ghost shrimp for snacks and cleanings.  I have just recently noticed that on my black rocks there are little white organisms.  They are the size of a pin head and move quickly over everything.  I only noticed them because my gravel is all black.  They are everwhere!!  They are not attaching to the fish, however they are all over everything else.  Should I be worried?  They are at the water line as well and they have a crunchy shell or sorts.  I can't find anything anywhere about this infestation...

Hi Venus

These are snail eggs and/or baby snails. Unsightly, but harmless. They will also likely continue to multiply. The best way to get rid of them is to invest in a couple of Clown Loaches, but they may eat the larger snails too.

Hope this helps, good luck!
