Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > i dont know whats wrong with my beta!

i dont know whats wrong with my beta!

23 14:49:23

i have had my beta fish for a little over 2 years. and within this past week, he has developed a white, puffy, bubble on its underside in the back. what do you think is wrong?

Hi Lauren;

He's an older guy now so it's hard to say. Keep his water more clean than usual and watch it. If it seems to get bigger you could treat him with an antibiotic like "Maracyn 2". It just goes in the water. Or, a medicine like "Fungus Eliminator" might help too. Without actually seeing it, it's hard for me to say. He may even have injured himself on something and it just needs time to heal.

I hope he feels  better soon......

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins