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How can I touch my cichlids?

23 11:29:40

Hi I was wondering how can i teach my cichlids to let me touch them and maybe pick them up? everytime i stick my hand in there they run away!

Hi Joe,
 If you touch your cichlids, be absolutely sure that your hands are wet. Dry hands or fingers will pull the slime off of a fish which will cause an infection to set in.  Some cichlids such as oscars will let you touch them on the forehead but most cichlids are rather terrified of being touched.  I would not try to pick them up. That is very frightening for them.  With an oscar,
if you keep your hand very still and let the fish come to you, that is how you touch it. Never jab at a fish -- they think you are trying to hurt them. It takes a lot of time and patience (weeks to months).

-- Ron C.
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