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movment of a oscar

23 13:58:14

Hi Ron

i have a 7 inch osca that i have tansport by car on a 42 hr drive.  how should i transport it?  i ahve a filter and a bucket is this sufficent.. and do u belive that he will servive??? im quite scaird that i might freak him out to much!

Hi Kimberley,
  It can be done.  What you need is known as a bait-bucket aerator.  You buy this in good fish stores or in most any fishing/bait store.  The device is a small battery operated air-pump.  They typically take two 2-Cells.   

  Put the fish in a 5 gallon bucket (buy a new one, never use one that has been used for something else other than fish).  Be sure you have some sort of lid for the bucket and drill a hole in the lid for the airline of the aerator to go through.   Your fish should be fine.  

  Try to make sure that he doesn't get too hot, i.e., don't put the bucket on the seat where sunlight will shine on it for hours.  Cover it with a towel or something.  If it does get hot, put a few ice cubes in a bag and float that in the bucket (just a few ice cubes, not a whole tray).  

 Do not feed him for a day before you leave.  Otherwise he will defecate and pollute the water in the bucket.  He is perfectly fine going a couple of days without food.  

-- Ron
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