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Betta Care

23 14:23:27

Hi! I have 2 male Bettas, and although they share a tank there is a divider, so they can see each other and yet not harm each other. However, I got up this morning and somehow they were both on the same side fighting each other. I'm not sure how long they had been at it, but when I separated them they seemed very tired. Also, their fins are all torn up and both have some bite marks. My question is what can I do to help them heal and hopefully survive this ordeal?

Hi Michael.  It sounds to me like the divider separated from the wall somewhere.  It happens sometimes, you have to make sure you keep a check on it.

These guys are usually pretty hardy when it comes to surviving fights.  Usually, not all the time.  You can use Bettafix to help heal them, it's great stuff.  Just follow the directions.  If you cannot find Bettafix, you can use Melafix, just use 1/2 of the suggested strength (i.e. if Melafix says use 10 drops per gallon, only use 5, etc.)  Also, I would add aquarium salt, as it is a great help in healing the fish.  You don't say how big the tank is, but follow the directions on the box on how to use the salt.  Try to dissolve the salt at much as possible (to melt it all the way is impossible though) before adding it to the water slowly.

You should see a marked improvement not over night, but  relatively quickly.  Their fins may never go back to looking how they were, but everything should heal.

Make sure you keep the tank water clean and do weekly maintenance with at least a 15-20% water change (if they are in a filtered tank) and using water conditioner for Bettas when replacing the water.  If they are not a filtered tank, you're going to have to be sure to do a 100% water change every week, using the Betta water conditioner when you replace the water.  Also, replace the salt only in the amount of water that you took out.

If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to contact me again, I'll be happy to help you out.  Also, here's a great website on Bettas if you're interested in checking it out.  The young man that created the site is a Betta lover and a friend of mine.  He did a good job with it:

I hope I was able to help.  Good luck!!   ;o)