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23 14:47:23

my Betta has a few tiny white balls on his scales I have him in a 10
gallon tank with four cory catfish. searching the web I have found
some remedies for this fungus my question is will this effect the
corys as well? they don't seem to have any on them and what is the
best way to treat the tank?  

Hi Jennifer;

It is best to isolate the sick fish for treatment. Those medicines can make a mess in an established tank and any fish that aren't sick should not be treated. Your filter will also remove the needed medication. Bettas are tropical so he will need something that can stay a stable 76 to 80 degrees. Even just a little 2 gallon bowl will work. You don't want gravel or decorations or even a filter in there. They all absorb or remove medicine and will render it less effective. Here is a good web page on dosing small tanks like those;

I hope he feels better soon....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins