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compatible fish!

23 14:26:19

hi! i need to know if i can mix 1 betta with some blue neon fish and cats? i have a 10 gallon tank! if that is possible should i buy a male betta or female? ... and what other species are compatible with bettas? thanks!!! =)

Yes it is possible, but if the betta is a male it might kill the neon tetras you have. If it is a female (short fins) it would be just fine with the fish you have, but with a male (long fins) it might try to eat or chase the fish around so watch closly and see if any signs of aggression are going on.

Ok i will give you a list of things i've had with my male bettas over the past years, and the other things you can have with male bettas.
1.African Dwarf Frogs
2.female guppies
3.Fiddler crabs claw crabs skirt tetras, glowlight tetras, red eye tetras,red eye tetras, long finned tetras, and any other tetra besides neons (unless you want to try it)
6.any type of snail
7.bamboo shrimp
8.sometimes ghost shrimp
9.small golfish

I'm sorry i couldn't name every fish that can go with a betta. If you buy a female it will be fine with almost any fish, but with a male it can go with the listed fish above and maybe more if you are willing to try it.