Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > treats


23 14:37:41

hi can i give my fish treats if so what kind. how many fish can i have in a 62 gallon tank. also what community fish go best together. i have a upside down catfish and 2 sucking loaches, can the catfish go with most things and should i have only 1 sucking loach.

Hello Jamie,
Yes, you can give your fish treats, just go to the local petstore and look at some diffrent foods that you havnt feed them yet. They will like it. 2 sucking loaches will be fine and same with the catfish. I would suggest a semi-aggressive tank, loaches are semi-aggressive. Here are some semi aggressive fish that would be nice, Angel Fish, Gouramis of all types, other catfish, other loaches, some tetras, Ram Cichlids ect. Just google it online and find out what you like. The rule is, 1 gallon per 1 inch of fish, (lets say a catfish grows to 5 inches long, you will need 5 gallons of tank space for him.) This doesnt mean you can have a 62 inch fish in a 62 gallon tank. You do the math :) Hope This Helps and Happy Fish Keeping.