Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Calico Ryukin Goldfish floating upside down

Calico Ryukin Goldfish floating upside down

23 15:06:14

I have 2 calico ryukins in a 37 gal. tank with good filtration, chemistry, etc.  The largest fish (6") has recently been floating upside down at the top of the tank.  Especially after eating.  I feed small pellets with one feeding and flakes with the other.  Cucumber and froz. worms too occasionally.  He swims good, has a good appetite and energy but this floating thing has become more frequent.  What's wrong with him?  I fasted him for 24 hours but it continues.  What should I be doing?  Please help.  You were a great help last year with my other fish questions

Hi Rebecca;

He just has gas in his belly, usually associated with constipation and/or injesting too much air as he eats. Feeding a sinking pellet or soaking the floating pellets in water before feeding is very helpful in preventing it.

To get rid of the gas, feed chunks of green peas. I use frozen and just thaw out what I need for one feeding at a time. Pop them from their little green shells and feed after they are thawed. The other fish should like them too and are a healthy addition to their diet.

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