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Goldfish on its side

23 15:09:47

Hello Chris,

We are new to keeping fish and after 4 months now, one of our fish keeps lying on its side. although it is still active it seems to have lost balance and keeps reverting to its side again, are you able to help?

Many thanks in advance


Hi Kris;

Poor fella. Is it floating at the top or down at the bottom? If on the top, it is from intestinal gas. Feed the fish cooked and cooled green peas popped from their little round shells. Feed peas several times a week to keep the fish from developing this common goldfish malady.

If the fish is on the bottom, it has a malfunctioning 'swim bladder'. The swim bladder is an organ inside the fish right below the spine. It fills with blood gasses to help the fish float up when it wants to, and then deflates when the fish wants to sink down in the water. There is no cure for it except rest and very clean water. Make regular water changes of 25% at least once a week. Vacuum the gravel at the same time. This boosts the fishes' immune systems and helps them heal on their own. Many fish never return to normal after suffering from swim bladder failure, but some do heal and begin to swim normally again. It can take weeks to begin recovering however. They can have this happen from infection, stress, cancer, genetic deformity, etc. Some hobbyists believe that peas can help this condition too. You might try it. Goldfish really should have greens anyway. Chopped spinach and romaine lettuce are excellent foods too. Feed them along with their regular diet.

Hoping for the best......

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Chris Robbins

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