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cichlids tank mates

23 14:43:42


I need to know of any good bottom cleaners(catfish,snails, crabs, etc.) I can use in my tank(35 gal. hex.) of african cichlids( 2 jewel, 2 convicts, and 1 peacock.) which are not very aggresssive. None of which are over  3" right now. I have a pleco but it seems it does not do much for uneaten food on the bottom. When I feed my fish the pleco is right there, upsidedown feeding with the cichlids.  Weird?

Thanks Mark

Hi Mark,
 First, be aware that convicts are Central American, jewels are West African (completely different than East African fish).  All of these fish will become quite aggressive as soon as they start to think about breeding.

 Don't put in bottom cleaners to eat excess food.  None will to any great degree.  Basically, you are feeding too much.  Only put in as much food as they eat right away. Never put in food for a fish "to eat later".  They won't and the food will rot creating all sorts of problems.  
 Plecos like good food just like any other fish.  They also eat algae but don't expect them to clean up uneaten rotting food.  

-- Ron
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