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Fighting and Safety

23 15:02:39

Dear Chris,
For the last 3 months we have had a goldfish. Just recently we went and bought a black telescope(i think thats what its called), an algae eater, and some other fish that is orange and silver with cheeks that look like bubbles.
I've noticed in the last week that the goldfish that we've had for a while has become quite aggresive with the other fish, especially the black telescope. He will get right behind him/her and will literally push him/her around. The goldfish will also swim right next to the black telescope, shoving him around. Can you tell me what is going on? Also.....the algae eater....they obviously eat algae, but is there something else I should be feeding him? And what is this gold and silver fish with the bubbly cheeks? He is soooo adorable!!!!
Thanks Alot
Christy L.

Hi Christy;

The fish being chased is probably a female. If you have a 30 gallon tank or larger and lots of plants she could spawn. If you see signs of injury or exhaustion in her you might have to put her in another tank for her own safety. Without enough room and/or plants to make a "spawning run" they could harrass her until she gets sick and possibly dies.

The one with the bubbly cheeks is called a "bubble-eye". I love them too. They are indeed very cute!

The algae eater can have veggies and the goldfish need it too anyway. Drop a couple of cooked green beans in there at night and also peeled green peas 3 times a week during the day for the goldfish to eat. All your fish also like romaine lettuce, chunks of squash, cucumber and cooked shredded carrots. They need it for their digestion.

Here are some links about goldfish care and breeding in case you want to know more;,%20Goldfish.htm

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins