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Fresh Water Mold

23 15:02:38


I have a single beta in a 3 1/2 gallon tank.  The tank has been set up for about 2 years.  The tank started out with goldfish, but they were replaced with the beta.  Usually, I don't have problems with the tank, but now there seems to be mold spores forming on the plants.

This is not the black/green algae that sometimes forms on the sides of the tank. This is a round, pinkish spore.  

Any advise would be greatly appreciated.  



Hi Theresa;

I would just remove the plants, clean them and put them back in. Water molds are usually from overfeeding the fish. They thrive on the excess food and/or waste.

Look at them carefully to see if perhaps they are pieces of rotting food. If they are bigger than the chunks of food usually fed and are kind of fuzzy or slimy that's what they are. When excess food rots it looks like that.

Either way, feed less food and it should help. It could be that your betta doesn't like his food or the water is too cool and he can't digest properly. Keep the tank in a warm place or put a light on his tank to get it to 78 to 80 degrees all the time.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins