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Betta Fish - Bubble nest

23 14:59:39


I've had a male betta for about a month now.
I just moved him to a bigger tank (about 2 gallons.) I transferred most of the clean water from his old tank and the live plant he's had with him to the new tank. He's doing fine (no behavioral/health changes - he's still flaring and eating and acting like himself) except that he's not blowing a bubble nest like he used to. I tried to keep the nest intact when I transferred him, but it broke apart and he hasn't started rebuilding. Is this normal for bettas? I hear they can experience "depression" if their nest is destroyed - I'm hoping he's just getting used to his new home!

Thanks for your time,

Hi Amber;

Don't worry. Once he gets used to his new home he will build it again. I've never known one to get depressed over a missing nest. My bettas were always eager to rebuild as long as their water was clean and warm and they were healthy.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins