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lost cory cat

23 11:20:45

i was trying to vacuum my tank for the first time and not having much success i am treating my fish for ick with ick away and earlier during the day the 2 cories were doing fine but now the albino is missing are they known for jumping? I tore up the 10 gallon tank trying to clean it would it survive if it was at the bottom of the gravel I moved everything around and cannot find it under the plants or ornament or if it passed would the other cat fish eat it.  I have 2 gouramies and a few guppies also when will the ick spots be off of them I have also turned up the heater to 86-88 degrees and treated with aquarium salt also. thank you for your help

Hi Jennifer,
 I have never heard of a cory cat jumping. They can be pretty good at hiding, though it is unlikely to be under the gravel.   If it died, yes it is possible that the other fish ate it.  

  Ich takes about a week to clear up.

-- Ron C.
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