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New behavior, Breeding Cichlids?

23 14:14:00

Hi there,
Our tank is 88gallons, and contains 2electric yellow cichlids (one female, one male) 1 white cichlid (male), 1 jack dempsey (male), 1 green terror (female)and one smaller, younger blue cichlid.

Lately the yellow female has been digging holes in the sand portion of the tank (we have sand ad stones) and looks a little different. Mabye she's bloated, but then why would she be digging holes under the ornaments?
Anyhow, I know there probaby isn't a real way to tell, and I can't get a good pictue of her. My question is, if she does lay eggs and is successfull with it, are the other cichlids going to eat the babies? They don't pick on the smaller cichlid anymore, but these babies will be muh smaller I'm guessing. My biggest concern is the Jack dempsey, as he seems the most aggressive in the tank. Also, we have a clown knife who I'm sure would scoop up anything alive and small enough to fit in is mouth. Should I take any babies out, or would that be too traumtic and kill them anyways?
Any advice is great,
thanks for your time!


Hi Steph,
 Actually, if they are electric yellows, the female is a mouthbrooder, meaning that she will lay an egg on the ground, the male will fertilize it and then she will immediately pick it up in her mouth to incubate it.  They continue this until she has about 20 or so eggs in her mouth and then his part is done.  She will brood the eggs and then the hatchlings and fry for about 3 weeks and then let them go.  At that point, the other fish will definitely try to eat them.  You will know if she is mouthbrooding because you will see that her chin bulges downward -- it looks like she has a mouthful of marbles.

-- Ron
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