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Male Bets & Telescope Goldfish

23 14:46:43

We have a very small 10 gal tank, no heater.  We currently have s msle beta and my daughter wants to add a telescopic goldfish.  Can they survive together?

Hi Scott;

Goldfish and bettas are really not compatible. The betta may think the goldfish is another male betta and fight with it. Even if you happen to have a very docile male betta, the goldfish will get big enough to eat him eventually. They get about 6 to 8 inches long. Goldfish are also cold water fish, needing their water to be under 72f or under. Bettas need their water to be 76f or higher. One goldfish needs a 10 gallon tank all to itself anyway. Perhaps you could get a 5 gallon tank with a heater for the betta and then let the goldfish have the ten gallon?

Here are web pages about bettas and goldfish to help you know more about what they need;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins