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betta fish disease?

23 14:25:07

Three days ago my betta started sulking around at the bottom of his tank, however, due to the fact that bettas do that I was not initially worried at first. The second thing I found weird was the fact that he wasn't eating, convinced that he was just full because he reads a reasonable amount (about 5-6 pellets a day) I didn't worry. Yesterday I tried feeding him again, and he wouldn't eat, he only sluggishly moved to the corner of the tank. Today, though, besides the fact that he has once again not eaten it also appears that its swim bladder is not fully working. When he floats in the tank his tail seems to drop putting him in a vertical position. I cleaned his tank, but what else would you recommend i do? I have had him about four years and have kept him in a 2.5 gallon tank with no other fish.

Hi Alyssa;

You've taken very good care of him to have lived such a long life. It sounds like his age is taking it's toll now and his swim bladder is failing. There really isn't a lot you can do but here is a link to an article about it;

I hope he feels better...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins