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Old Goldfish

23 14:24:12

Hi! I have had my goldfish since 2001 when I won them at a fair. I believe they
are considered feeder fish. There are just two of them swimming happily in a
10-gallon tank. I noticed that the larger fish has what seems to be calcified
marks in his eyes. It almost looks like cataracts. What does this mean? Is it just a
sign of old age? And, what can I do to help him?

Hi Amy;

He's actually not that old. Goldfish live to be twenty years old so he's basically still a youngster. The oldest goldfish "Tish" lived to be 43 years.  

If it's cataracts, it can be a sign of old age but can also be genetic or from environmental causes. Keep up the tank with weekly 25% water changes and gravel vacuuming to reduce the effects of dissolved organic waste. Water quality plays a large part in the overall health of our fish. Diet is important too. Goldfish are mostly vegetarian but the foods we give them have too much protein and not enough fiber. I give mine cooked peeled peas, cucumber slices, cooked green beans and romaine lettuce. Give one of these foods at least 3 times a week.

Cataracts in fish is not reversible but with good care he can still live a long and happy life. Fish can "sense" their surroundings to get around as well as smell their food. He has a buddy too so he can help keep him active and won't be lonely.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins