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My betta BB (that is his name)

23 14:45:51

I have had BB (named him that cause he is a Blue Betta ) anyways, I have had him for almost 2 years now, and over the past couple of days he has been acting funny. He didn't eat anything at all yesterday and hasn't eaten anything at all today!  He is lurking at the bottom, with sudden bursts of energy as he shoots himself across the tank. I changed his water, which was a little longer overdue then  usual (like 3 weeks, I feel REALLY bad) but I'm a busy girl, anyhow, I finally changed his water tonight, did everything normal like I usually do, and I was wondering if he had like water shock (even though I didn't put the temperature any different then any other time) and he is still on the bottom.  I put a Betta Block (the food pellets that you can put in the tank if you go on a trip or something, I figured this would help him get food while he is not eating, was this wrong?) I don't want him to die!!!  I'm trying to do everything I can!! I put a mirror towards the back of the tank so maybe if he is depressed he can see what he thinks is another fish and flare or something.  NO reaction yet from anything that I have done!!  So I guess my question is... is there ANYTHING else I could possibly do? Or should I just wait to see what happens by tomorrow? cause if I wake up and he is gone (deceased) I will be VERY sad!! Please let me know thanks!!

Hi Crystal;

Poor guy. It sounds like it could be a swim bladder disorder. Here is a link to info about it;

I am not a fan of food blocks. Bettas don't usually like them so they just sit there and rot. If he isn't using it, remove it so it doesn't make him sick.

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins