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Problem with my oranda

23 15:03:25

I aquired 2 female 2-3 year old orandas about six months ago. The tank has been set up for years.  The Ph is 7.4, O2 7mg/ltr at 70 degrees F, Ammo. 0, Nitrite 0. A few months ago one of my girls presented with slightly protruding scales behind the gills. The petstore told me to treat her w/NitrofuraG for 5 days. I did this in a hospital tank. The swelling subsuded and she seemed fine.A week ago she was laying at the bottom (even after a fast and feeding peas) lethargic like. I was advised to dip her for parasites.  Now she is Hanging just under the surface,lethargic. Also she has some brown spots that just developed in the past week one on her wen (about the size of a pencil eraser), one on her gill cover, and a strange very small (size of a pinhead) dot with a small line/tail? under her mouth. Any help is greatly appreciated. I am at a loss.

Hi Lynne;

Could it be argulus aka 'fish lice'? The dot thing with a tail could be anchor worm too. Here are some sites with pictures and treatment options;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins