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fin color

23 15:08:53

I just bought a betta that is light yellow with very light fins. It came in a jar with blue-colored water. I put the betta in a 1/2 gal tank for the first time yesterday. I noticed that his fin edges were tinted from the blue dye, making them an ugly green color. Will this color eventually wear off?

Hi Laura;

Yes, it will wear off. The blue stuff was to prevent infection. Many wholesalers and retail stores use it during transport.

Do lots of water changes in his tank to encourage growth and the dyed tissue will be replaced with normal tissue even faster. The ends of fins are softer and are where new cells grow. That's why it was colored so easily by the meds. Replace 25% of his water at least twice a week, keep him in a very warm place and he should do beautifully!

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