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Bubblehead Goldfish

23 13:57:13

I have two bubblehead goldfish in a 10 gallon tank, the smaller one floats upside down a lot.  I got on the internet and downloaded info about these fish and it said it was an air bladder problem and suggested putting salt in the water, one teaspoon per gallon of water.  I did that and he seemed to get better, but I have changed the water a couple of times, 50% and he is floating upside down again.  Do I have to keep putting the salt in the water?  It didn't seem to bother the other healthy fish.

Hi Mel;

Salt really isn't the answer. It may have been a coincidence that it seemed to help. Swim bladder problems are often related to constipation. He needs more fiber in his diet. Stop feeding regular food and give your fish cooked peeled peas. Break it into chunks. Peas act as a laxative. Feed the peas for three days or so. Once the fish starts swimming more normally again, feed a little regular food too. Cut back again on regular food if the fish flips over again. Goldfish need more fiber than the flakes and pellets can provide. Feeding them peas and other veggies gives them that fiber. I also feed cooked green beans, romaine lettuce, cucumber slices, squash slices and cooked shredded carrots. Veggies should be about 40% of their diet.  

If the diet change doesn't help it is probably due to a deformed swim bladder. The rounded body shapes that are bred into those types of goldfish cause compression of the swim bladder. The swim bladder can't elongate as the fish grows so it's ducts can't work properly. There isn't anything you can do in a case like that. Some veterinarians do surgery to correct it but such vets are very rare.

I hope he gets better soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins