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23 14:39:05

hi, i just bought my fish tank. It's about 25 gallon. i got the hagen water home 25 kit. i have't set up my tank yet. i have few question before i set my tank.

1. which is better to keep trophical fish or cold water fish? i heard that cold water fish is easy to keep, it's hardy and never had any problem with a aggression. I also heard that gold fish need a lot space in the tank because they grow big, but if you bought small size gold fish, it's should do fine. My aunt has about 35 gallon about 10 big gold fish for about 5 years and she never had any problem.

2. I also want to know about how to cyle my tank. what are some hardy fish to cycle my tank?

3. I also want to know about cycle conditner, iam planning to use tetra aqua safe as my water conditner for water changes, can cycle be mix together or should i just stick with one water condiner.

thank you.

Hi Sean,
  Whether you go with cold water or tropical fish is entirely up to you.  I wouldn't say one type is easier to keep than another.  There are aggressive cold water fish and there are aggressive tropical fish and there are less aggressive kinds of each as well.  

 Small goldfish eventually grow into large goldfish.  

 You can use most fish to cycle a tank.  The key is to only put one or two fish in the tank at first.  If you put a bunch of fish -- no matter how "hardy" they are -- in a brand new tank, you will have problems.

  I do not use any water conditioner.  Is your local water very nasty?  If not, you shouldn't really need anything. If you are on a municipal water supply, they probably add chlorine to the water.  The solution to this is simple: leave the water in a bucket for 24 hours before putting it in the tank -- the chlorine will all evaporate in 24 hours.  However, if they add CHLORAMINE (which is very different), then you absolutely need to add a water conditioer.  Your water utility will tell you exactly what they add if you give them a call. (Ask "Do you add chlorine to the water, or do you add chloramine to the water".  If the person isn't sure, ask to speak to someone who is sure.  I have found that the water people are typically very helpful and quite proud of the quality water they deliver.)

-- Ron
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