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betta ick?

23 15:01:14

I have one betta in a 3 quart size bowl and switch to a 1 and half gallon bowl with weekly spring water changes, bought from store.  I noticed some fleshy colored spots on my bettas upper fin area and behind his head about the size of a newborns pinky tip. His fins appear to be jagged looking. Lately he takes off zooming through his tank like he is trying to get away from something. mostly he will lie sideways on the plastic plant near the surface of water. I feed him nutrafin max flakes twice a day and betta bites pellets (about 3) every 4 days  he wont eat the pellets though. Does he have ick? i dont want to treat with wrong product. Please help me save my little guy.  

Hi Connie;

Sounds like an infection caused by bacteria. Here are web site links with pictures to see if you can identify and treat his problem from the info there;

Here's one about medicating small tanks;

I hope he feels better soon.....

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins