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websites/ph question

23 15:10:49

What is a good website to go to, to find specific information on fish indentifcation and specific with habitat control. Such as what water conditions for certain fish. Also I have red bellied piranhas in a ph of 7.0. I read they like it 6.2. Should I change my ph and exactly why?

Hi Marcus;

The pH listed in fish profiles are for general guidelines. In my opinion, as well as in other experts' opinions, your pH is best left alone. It is fluctuations in pH that harms fish, not what would be considered a "wrong" pH. Fish that are "supposed to have" a pH of 6.5 like discus, tetras, angels etc., do well and will breed in pH that is well above 6.5. The same is true for fish that are "supposed to have" pH in the higher range.

In general, pH is best left alone unless it is dangerously low (below 6.0) or dangerously high (above 8.0). It needs to be investigated. Chronically low pH can be caused by poor maintenance and/or overfeeding. Dissolved organic matter (fish poo, pee, dead plants, dead fish etc.) will cause the water to acidify over time. Chronically high pH can be caused by hard tap water, shells, coral, dolomite or limestone, etc. in the tank.

Come and visit us on the Freshwater forum at for more info and discussion about such subjects;

My member name is ChrisR62.

See you there!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins