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My Tiger Oscar is in trouble

23 14:24:21

My Red Tiger Oscar (Ufraidies) is very sick. He is floating on his back at the bottom on of the tank. About a week ago I had brought a smaller Oscar and about fifty small feeder fish.(guppies) He must have killed the smaller Oscar and now a week later I found him floating on his back at the bottom of the tank. He also has a very large spot on his side were it looks like his scales are coming off. Can you help him and me? I am afraid he does not have long. Norman

Hi Norman,
  It sounds like either he was in a fight or the feeder fish had some nasty disease, which is quite common, and why I do not recommend feeding feeder fish to oscars.

  Time will tell if he pulls through but unfortunately, once a fish is floating upside down, the odds of recovery are very low.  Sorry.

-- Ron
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