Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > What about neon disease?

What about neon disease?

23 15:02:23

This is a follow up question for can you answer question. I wonder if my fish has neon disease. I read that their spine becomes curved in the latter stages. Do you know how I can tell if the spine is curved? I fed it some food that enhances the color of tropical fish and it put it in its mouth and spit it out. I did this yesterday after I sent you the question "Can you answer question?" The food is for tropical fish.

Hi Dipan;

Curvature of the spine is very obvious when you see it. Looking from above the spine usually makes an "s" curve. They normally start to fade out first though. Their colors get white splotches on them. Here is a link to a site with pictures;

Here is another page about the disease;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins