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I need help urgently please!

23 14:12:49

Hi Ron,
I need help urgently! My silver shark seems bitten or atleast seems like it so, I kept him in a small plastic tub of water. Now ,is it possible as I have some gouramis and a orange fish small, with black fins :) or does he have some problem? I did see a piece of him and also blood! he seems to be okay but I'm scared he maybe attacked if I put him back in the tank. Any idea what to do? One more thing please do not suggest anything expensive as I'm a student :=)and in its tough....ok broke!!
Thanks in advance,
Hugs Dana

Hi Dana,
 It is very possible that one of the other fish bite him and the only solution is not to put him in the same tank.

 How large is the tank?

-- Ron
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