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angel fish & neon tetras

23 11:43:39

Hi there, I might not have anything to worry about here but thought it was a bit unususal that the majority of my fish are staying at the bottom of the tank! They swim normally and dart up when there is food on the go but generally dont come more than half way up the tank.The 4 tetras were fine until I added another 4 to their group as well as two angel fish, and since then everyone headed to the bottom. The water conditions have not changed and health wise they seem fine. Could this be a stress/nervous behaviour? Lots of plants and bogwood in the tank for hiding in. The only ones willing to come up to the top of the tank are the snails! Any comments appreciated.


Hi Claire,
  I would give them time.  I assume that you are doing weekly 25% water changes to keep the water conditions healthy.  That is the most important thing you can do.

-- Ron
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