Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > What are some good tank mates for my betta and gouramis?

What are some good tank mates for my betta and gouramis?

23 11:58:24

I recently set up my tank, it has gone through its biological cycle and tested the water several days in a row just to be sure. For about a week now I have had 2 male gourami's, a male betta and a balloon molly. (there were 2 balloon molly's, but the other one got bullied to death, I think.) The guorami's and betta seem to get along together fine, but the molly doesn't really leave its little corner except to grab some food. S/he seems scared of the other 3 fish. The betta and the flame gourami are always hanging out together but i haven't noticed any nipping or agression....just towards the molly. My question is this: when I want to add a couple more fish what kind should I add, if any? I have a 10 gal tank with fake plants. I have been just feeding them Tropical flakes, but am considering some betta food too and/or live food or pellets to change it up a bit. Btw, they are dwarf gourami's...neon blue and flame. I am totally new at fish owning, but I find them fascinating and so i would like to be a good parent to them, I just need some guidance...the folks at Petco seem a little perhaps you can help me! Thank you!

Hi Hayley

I apologize for the lengthy delay in answering your question, it was sent to our question pool.

In a 10 gallon tank, you have enough fish. Any more and it will be overcrowded. I doubt your Molly was bullied to death, none of the other fish in your tank would've bothered it. Any number of other things could've happened to it.

In a 20 gallon tank, I have a Betta, 3 Black Mollies, a Blue Dwarf Gourami and a Cory Cat. It's a very peaceful community.

Bettas will be fine with fish of similar size that doesn't outshine them. Avoid bright colors like Neons and Guppies as well as fancy long finned fish like Angels etc. Also avoid fin nippers like Tiger Barbs, Serpae Tetras among others. Busy, active little fish like Zebra Danios are also not a good match for a Betta.

Hope this helps you and good luck!
