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Fused upper lip

23 14:01:36

Hi Jack, I bought the anti fungus medication last night and thoroughly cleaned the tank. He was in good form last night but this morning he did not look good. He had died by lunch time.
I am afraid I might have caused more harm than good by changing too much of the water (>25%). His buddy is still in good form and swimming around the tank.

Thanks for your help

Hey again Evelyn!

oh no! i am so sorry, we do get attached to these fish.

I don't think it was your water change, you should be doing 25% water changes weekly anyway, but don't worry now.

If your tank is big enough, why don't you add another goldfish or a shoal of white cloud minnows? Before you add them, change 50% of the water then add them.

Good Luck and thanks for asking me your questions,     I hope I helped you,     Jack