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about my flowerhorn fish

23 11:37:14

for a long time  approximately 1 month, my flower horn's stmack getting very large and he stop to eating , now its colour getting fake and it is a cereous problem , so please help me.I give my contact number 9883655711 i am indian. my fish age is about 2 years and he is now 11inch male fish. please help me i love my fish very much.

Hi Gobinda,
This sounds like your Flower Horn has Swim Bladder Disease.  Swim Bladder is due to constipation, overfeeding, and poor diet.  Once the fish has Swim Bladder, you must act quickly.
Try feeding him cooked frozen peas with the outer layer removed.  If he eats the peas, feed him nothing for 24 hours.  He must waste.  You must also treat him with an antibiotic.  "Kanamycin" is very good for Swim Bladder but is hard to find.  If you cannot find it, treat him with "Tetracycline" or "Furan-2"  Act quickly because Swim Bladder can lead to Dropsy, and Dropsy is very difficult to cure, if not impossible.  Do a 25% water change, and follow the instruction on the package.
When he gets better, feed him pellets, small shrimps, and cleaned worms. ( To clean the worms, put them in oats for a week or so)  Feed him three times a day, but be careful not to overfeed him.
I hope the big guy has a speedy recovery.