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New 170G Set-up

23 11:32:44

I'm about to purchase a 170 gallon tank and I was wondering what you would recommened. I'm definately getting an oscar, heart set on it, but I would like to either put 3-4 severums - or - 5-6 Bala shark with the oscar. Are these fish compatible? I will be buying them all as babies so they grow together, hopefully preventing an over territorial oscar, or severum for that matter, later on. I will also be moving my common pleco from an excisting 68G tank into this new tank. I have overcompensated on filtration aswell to allow for the messy habits of the oscar as he grows. So basically my overall question is.. Does this all sound like it should work and what do you recommend will work better, the severums or the bala's?
Any advice would also be great!
Thanks alot for your time

ANSWER: Hi Josh,
Severums get along with Oscars, and so does the bala shark.  This is my experience since I had them with one Oscar.  I have never had an aggressive Oscar, but some people have encountered some that are aggressive.  I would put 2 Severums, and not three, or 3 bala sharks, since the bala shark grows very big also. The Bala Shark grows to 5 ft.  I would recommend a 300 gallon tank to keep these fish.  It is difficult to say what will happen, but I see trouble only when the fish hasn't got enough room for his territory.  One Oscar needs 60 gallons of water, the Severum would need this too, which brings you to One Oscar, and 2 severums.  These fish are beautiful when fully grown.  The Severum is peaceful.  I find that the gold severum is more peaceful than the green...but like I say, this is my experience.  You could also add a "Black Ghost" which in time will eat out of your hand, but you must provide a good hiding place for him.  I bought a see through round tube, and see him all the time!  He is a beauty to see!  I would not put any aggressive fish in with the Oscar such as Green Terrors, etc.
Here is a list of food that the Oscar and Severum should have:
Earthworms bought at the bait store, and cleaned.  To clean the worms put them in oats for a week or so.
Minnows also bought at the bait store.  Buy the regular kind.
Crickets bought at the pet store.
Veggies such as carrots, peas, broccoli, & green beans.  (I buy mine frozen, and blanched them, and let them cool before feeding.
Boston Salad, and Spinach
Frozen fish found at the market that come from rivers, and lakes.  The fish must be frozen, and must come from rivers, and lakes, never salt water fish.  Cut a chunk off, and let it unfreeze, and feed this to your fish, they will love it.
Fresh water shrimp
A good quality flake
Bloodworms...Black Ghost must have frozen bloodworms.
Brine Shrimp.. "     "     "    "     "    brine shrimp.
Frozen food from the pet store.
Pellets, and Sticks
Never feed them feeder fish.  Feeder fish are almost always full of disease, and if eaten, your fish will also get sick.  They have no nutritional value, so it is better to avoid feeding fish feeder fish.
Hope this helps.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the response.
I love the idea of a black ghost knife, i had forgotten that they also can grow to a large size. The tube you mentioned you have for yours, is it clear?? would this still provide a suitable hiding place for them? and would that be because they have very very poor eyesight? I thought they needed more of a dark cave? which unfortunately means you rarely get to see them, but the clear tube would be great.
I think i will go with the couple of severums at this stage, it is what i had initially wanted anyway. So wow a 170G isn't as big as i had first thought if thats its limit, 2 full grown severum, 1 oscar + a hiding fish like the ghost knife. Not that its a problem, at least it'll be a MASSIVE home for them for the first year or so as i'm getting them all as babies(3-4 cm).
Also you didn't mention whether my common pleco would do ok in this community tank. I understand them to be quite large waste producers but other than that he should be fine... is the information i have correct??
Once again thank you for taking the time!

My tube is transparent so I see him all the time.  He now eats out of my hand.  These fish are gorgeous.  It's a shame we can only put one in our tanks!  I have him in a transparent tube, and I placed some plants near the tube, at the sides, and a few rocks.  I have artificial plants, and I wouldn't suggest you have real plants with Severums because they do love vegetation.  
You can add a pleco, and you could also add spotted, and striped Raphaels.  They too are very pretty fish.  Do not use a net, their fins get stuck in the net.  Use a glass if you have to remove them.  This works for me, and it should work for you.  ( I am not going to guarantee this, but I never had a problem...)  I have lots of Rainbow fish in my tank with the Severums, and Oscar.  The beautiful red rainbow, and the bosemani rainbow.  If you do add rainbows, always add more females than males.  One male to 3 females is good.  These fish are hardy, and they school.  There are many kinds of rainbow fish, and all are beautiful.  Some grow to 6 inches.  Never put in a "Red Tail Rainbow Shark"...not to be confused with Rainbow fish.  The red tail black shark is very aggressive, and can terrorize a tank when he gets older.  He is best kept alone.  I just thought I would mention this.
Have a nice day.