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40 gallon bowfront stocking questions

23 11:43:48

My tank dimensions are 92 cm Width, 41 cm Depth, 55 cm Height. The tank is fully cycled, the filter is a Fluvial 205 canister filter, there's a bristlenose pleco in there already. It used to be a mbuna tank until it got a little too hairy in there for my liking and I returned the fishes. My stocking idea is:

6 serpae tetra
6 tiger barbs
1 Bristlenose Pleco; a total of 35.5 fish

What suggestions do you have on the remain 4.5 inches, I would like something that would contrast the color and size of my tetras and barbs so it still eye-catching after a few months (if that makes any sense to you.) People have suggested otos, mollies, swordtails and gourami. But I've read that mollies like higher ph and most livebearers like a little salt, gouramis are slow and long finned and I wouldn't want it to get nipped in my tank.


Hi paul,
First off, the 1" of fish per gallon rule is just a guide line, I've gone way under and way over and had success.

Personally, what I would do with a tank that size is forget all of the tetras and barbs and get a few nice exodon paradoxus, but those are aggressive, notorious fin/scale/ tank mate eaters, and most other people don't like them. I think they are very pretty and wonderful fish despite some of their characteristics and they have always been eye catchers in my tanks. Just to warn you, they would eat the fish you have listed.

What you should do is take a walk around a good fish store, and see what YOU like.