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Pregnant Jack Dempsey?

23 12:01:56

We have a 55 gallon tank with a 2 year old Jack Dempsey and a 4 year old albino oscar. Recently, we have noticed that the Jack Dempsey has gotten bigger and bigger around the stomach area and tonight I noticed something trying to exit the exit area that looks nothing like fish pooh. I'm trying to best describe, so bare with me. It looks like she is starting to exit a "red rocket." Does this sound like she is trying to exit an egg/eggs? Is there anything I can do to tell and if she is pregnant, is there anything we can do to help her?

Hi Jenn,
 Unfortunately Jack Dempseys are egg layers and do not get pregnant as such.  (Only animals that give birth to live young get pregnant).  
She might be full of eggs but more likely it sounds like she is having intestinal problems and you are seeing what is called a prolapsed intestine, i.e., the inner lining of her intestine is startint to protrude out her anus.  This is a very bad thing and there isn't much you can do about it unfortunately.

-- Ron
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