Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Black Moor with damaged eyes

Black Moor with damaged eyes

23 11:13:21

I recently moved my 3 year old black moor goldfish named Chowder into a new 5 gallon tank. It's only him and I haven't ever had other fish in the tank with him. Soon after moving him into his new tank, I noticed white pockets over his eyes. (They look like blisters!) The left eye isn't as sever as the right eye. I know black moor fish have trouble with their eyes so I didn't put anything besides pebbles and a few fake plants. He is acting normal and eating just fine! Could these eye blisters be damage from the fake plants or something worse? He doesn't show another signs of disease on his body but his right eye is progressively getting worse. Please help! He's an adorable little guy and I love him very much.  


I am not really sure without a picture. I have included a website that might be helpful. If he doesn't look like any of these let me know and I will try to help you figure it out.