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breeding Angels

23 11:50:15

Hi Lynda - I have 6 juvenile Angels in a 55 gallon tank with 2 baby sucker fish
- only.  These Angels have been together since I got them as babies and I am
trying to breed them.  I use Prime to neutralize Chloramine, Nitrates &
Nitrites, and have been using ph 7.0 with a little aquarium salt - added when
I do 20% water changes.  I have the filtration system required plus an extra
whisper - and aerate the tank with below the rocks aeration stick.  No babies.
I know they are picky breeders - but I am a picky fish woman that must
prevail.  Any suggestions?

Hi Mari,
Angels are picky, it is very hard to get a breeding pair.  Like most Cichlids they pick their mate.  When they have made their choice, they must be of equal force.  To do this they grab each other by the mouth, and waltz all over the aquarium...letting go, and going back.  This is called the "nuptial dance"  If they are not of equal force, the stronger one will attack, causing injury, and even kill the weaker one.  
When a couple forms they must have their own tank.  You will see, if ever it happens they will lay their eggs either on the filter arm or if you have a piece of slate which is lopsided in your tank, or even a tall glass.  They usually defend their eggs, and fry.  They are not always good parents, so lots of observation is needed.  You may have to care for the eggs yourself.  Sometimes only one of the parents may be left with the fry.  Breeding Angels is not easy!
I have never used Prime, so cannot comment on it.  I do water changes of 25% every week, using Stress Coat or AquaPlus.  My water is always neutral, and my temperature is at 82 degrees.  I use diluted aquarium salt in all my tanks - 1 teaspoon to 5 gallons of water.
Hope this helps