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Swordtail Fry

23 14:26:44


My swordtail recently gave birth to about 25-30 fry (woot) and I currently have them in my ten gallon (they got the tank to themselves) and I am feeding them crushed up flake food. My question(s) are, am I doing what I need to raise them correctly? I read I need to do water changes frequently, is that true? How long till they are able to be placed in my 20 gallon tank (where there mom and dad are) and finally, how long until they are full size?

In case I forgot something to ask please please please give me all the advise you can, I want to raise them correctly and I plan on keeping all (or most) of them. Any advise would be much appreciated, Im relativly new to fish keeping so I need advise badly heh.

Yes, you need to do 20 percent water changes every couple of days to keep the water clean. I assume you've got a filter in the tank? Cover the inlet with something like a pair of tights so the fry don't get sucked up.
Feed them crushed flake food, liqui-fry and baby-brine-shrimp.
You could also feed them microworms and infusoria.

They can be released into the tank with their parents when they are about 2cm long, when they are too big to fit in the adult's mouths, basically. It will take about 3 months for them to be fully grown.
Best of luck,