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Active Betta

23 15:08:39

I bought a male betta fish only yesterday. i have put him in a 1 gallon fish tank which has 2 plastic plants, some gravel and a filter and a light on top. Whenever I switch on the fish tank light the fish swims around with his fins flared and his gills open up especially when he comes near the walls of the tank. I have fed him 2 times today as recommended by the pet store with Betamin, just a few small flakes.

Is he OK or what do i do ?

Thank you

Hi Neha;

Sounds fine to me! He is a happy, healthy male betta looking for a fight. That's what they live for. He probably sees his reflection in the glass somewhere or sees colorful things around him and thinks they are another male betta to defend his territory from. He will probably calm down a bit in a few days once he gets used to his own new territory.

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Chris Robbins

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