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Now, Ich!

23 15:06:14

Followup To
Question -
Chris -

You suggested that the fish will have a higher metabolism when the temp/salt are increased.  Does that mean I should feed them more/less?  What is your recommendation for feeding in general as well? I've always been told that less is more in this area, but want to keep from starving my fish.  

Also, would it help to reduce the hours that the light is on in the tank?

Thanks again -

Chris -

Our recent trip to LA was a smashing success (the choir sounded great in the new cathedral in downtown LA).  We also enjoyed the area ... bought a whole bunch of wine in Santa Barbara county, saw the Getty museum, shopped the Santa Monica strip and Venice beach boardwalk, and got to size my hands and feet in the cement at the Chinese theater.  

When I returned home, two weeks after seeing my ammonia, nitrites and nitrates drop to zero, I went out and bought 4 Severum Cichlids.  Then, a week later (two nights ago), bought 4 Firemouth Cichlids.  They are all getting along famously, except I've just noticed that two of the Firemouths have ich on their mouths and fins.  I'm wary of medicating, since I think that's what was at the root of all my earlier fish kills.  

I think I remember you recommending MelaFix.  Is that true?  Is there anything else I need to do?

After your tank-saving advice, helping me through a 6-week ammonia ordeal, you are the only person I trust to help me through the ich.  To refresh your memory: I have a 90-gallon tank with a Rena canister filter and undergravel filter with 2 power heads.  Currently there are 14 fish in the tank:  the severums and firemouths, 1 Blood Parrot Cichlid, 3 Gouramis, a Plecostomous, and 1 Golden White Cloud.  The water continues to test perfectly - pH at 7.0, ammonia/nitrites at 0, and nitrates at 5 ppm.

Help me help my fish ... please!

Sincerely -
Answer -
Hi Ken;

So glad your trip was a success and you had a good time! I haven't been to LA in so long. Our family really needs to go again soon.

Melafix will help avoid secondary infection like from bacteria or fungus getting in the wounds, but the cure for ich is high temperature of 82 degrees and salt. The ich hates heat and hates the salt. The salt will have to be at a higher dose than you were using before though. (I think you used it in there?) It needs to be at one teaspoon per gallon of water. The fish will experience a boost of their immune systems and their metabolism from the higher temp too. Keep the temperature high for a couple of weeks. Only add more salt if you make water changes. You may see more spots for the first few days. It is only because the parasites weren't making a white spot yet where they burrowed into the skin, and once they penetrate the skin they can't be killed there. They have to get to the next stage where they burst out hundreds of little ones into the water. This is when they will die from the salt and heat and can't re-attach to the fish.

Let me know how it progresses.....

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

Come on over and join us on the freshwater fish forum at to get even more information too;

My member name is ChrisR62. See You There!  

Hi Ken;

I wouldn't feed them much more than usual. It's only temporary anyway. For the heat/salt treatment it isn't necessary to decrease the light. I haven't noticed a difference either way.

Hope all goes well......

Followups Welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins